MaxiVideo MV400 5.5 mm |
MaxiVideo MV400 5.5 mmMaxiVideo MV400 - видеоэндоскоп с возможноcтью записи видео, диаметр головки 5.5 мм Цифровой эндоскоп MV400 – инструмент для визуального осмотра труднодоступных поверхностей и механизмов с возможностью записи фотографий и видео в формате MPEG2 или MPEG1 на встроенную энергонезависимую карту памяти или на съемную карту памяти микро SD. €200
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Цифровому видеоэндоскопу не сложно проникнуть внутрь конструктивных элементов автомобильных механизмов, определить их состояние и установить причину неисправности, что нельзя сделать при простом внешнем визуальном осмотре. MaxiVideo MV400 предоставляет такую замечательную возможность. Информация не только отображается на дисплее самого устройства, но также может быть зафиксирована в видео - и фото файлах. Материалы, сохраненные в форматах JPG, MPEG2 или MPEG1 можно в дальнейшем изучать на компьютере и телевизоре. Эти возможности присутствуют благодаря наличию на устройстве разъемов мини USB и аналогового видео. Для переноса для просмотра отснятой информации лучшим решением будет приобретение дополнительной карты памяти микро SD. Подсвечиваемая головка зонда диаметром 5,5 мм позволяет с великолепной подробностью рассмотреть предметы на расстоянии от 1 до 30 см. и проникать в узкие свечные колодцы. Контроль текущей обстановки в исследуемой зоне производится по цветному 3.5-дюймовому дисплею. Питание видеоэндоскопа MaxiVideo MV400 осуществляется от встроенного Li-ion аккумулятора.
Функциональные особенности:
Yet by the time he died he had revolutionized the practice of medicine and established the basic foundations of the role of the physician.FIG.NUTRITION Poor nutrition frequently accompanies advanced lung disease and is an independent predictor of worsening mortality and health status.Pathol.
Postoperative state e.Furthermore this genetically modied gut commensal bacterium LTAdecient L.
The algebraic expression for power is P E t A.CT scans and PACS workstations DI diagnostic imaging DSA digital subtraction angiography ECHO echocardiography EUS endoscopic ultrasonography FFDG uorodeoxyglucose radiopharmaceutical used in PET scanning Gd gadoliniumMRI contrast agent I isotope of radioactive iodineused in thyroid scans I isotope of radioactive iodineused in diagnosis thyroid scan and treatment for thyroid cancer IVP intravenous pyelogram KUB kidneysuretersbladder seriesxray imaging of these organs without contrast medium LAT lateral LS lms lumbosacral spine lms Lspine lumbar spine MDCT multidetector CT scanner systemreplacement of traditional lms with digital equivalents that can be accessed from several places and retrieved more rapidly PET positron emission tomography PETCT positron emission tomography computed tomographyboth studies are performed using a single machine RAIU radioactive iodine uptake test evaluates the function of the thyroid gland RFA radiofrequency ablation SBFT small bowel followthrough SPECT single photon emission computed tomographyradioactive substances and a computer are used to create D images Tcm radioactive technetiumused in heart brain thyroid liver bone and lung scans TL thalliumradioisotope used in scanning heart muscle Tspine thoracic spine UGI upper gastrointestinal series US US ultrasound ultrasonography VQ scan ventilationperfusion scan of the lungs Q stands for rate of blood ow or blood volume RADIOLOGY AND NUCLEAR MEDICINE IN PERSON CT AND MRI The following rstperson narrative provides a detailed look at two common diagnostic proceduresCT and MRIfrom the perspective of the patient.female genital tract skin stomach pancreas brain breast biliary tract C.gmdL Female
Penetration of antimicrobial agents into the prostate.brous transparent layer of clear tissue over the eyeball
cGMP Signaling.
This was followed by the pioneering work of Renaissance anatomists such as Andreas Vesalius see pp.Much of the description is given in graphic practical detail.Medieval physicians added more detail to the bloodletting procedure including what kind of knife or leech to use and what the patient T H E DA R K AGE S I N EU ROP E BLEEDING THE EMPEROR WITH LEECHES This illustration from Boccaccios Decameron shows the Roman emperor Galerius being bled by leeches.
He states that he felt ill all day and then started expe riencing pain in his jaw which progressed to chest pain with radiation to the left arm with nausea.tympanic membrane Membrane between the outer and the middle ear also called the eardrum.As the blood pressure falls under the potentiating effect of LASIX a further reduction in dosage or even discontinuation of other antihypertensive drugs may be necessary.Physical Activity Promotion through Primary Care.
high blood pressure in arteries when the etiology is idiopathic
Fortunatelyfor the field but unfortunately for his lab ratshe was not very good at finding injection sites on his rats or at giving them the appropriate amount of an injection.
Following AESOP and ZEUS came the da Vinci system inSome tumors need to be removed with surgery.Treat with appropriate antibiotics penicil lin G antistaphylococcal penicillin or cephalosporin and warm compresses.Friction also produces undesirable wear and tear and destructive heating of contact surfaces.
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